Wednesday, April 3, 2013



Fary Hendrayana

Kebudayaan Indonesia

Multikulturalisme dan Globalisasi pada Kebudayaan Indonesia

Multikulturalisme adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan pandangan seseorang tentang ragam kehidupan di dunia, ataupun kebijakan kebudayaan yang menekankan tentang penerimaan terhadap adanya keragaman, dan berbagai macam budaya (multikultural) yang ada dalam kehidupan masyarakat menyangkut nilai-nilai, sistem, budaya, kebiasaan, dan politik yang mereka anut. (Wikipedia)

Globalisasi adalah keterkaitan dan ketergantungan antar bangsa dan antar manusia di seluruh dunia melalui perdagangan, investasi, perjalanan, budaya populer, dan bentuk-bentuk interaksi yang lain sehingga batas-batas suatu negara menjadi semakin sempit. (Wikipedia)

Maka, multikulturalisme dan globalisasi berpijak pada nilai dan arti dari keberagaman dan macam budaya yang saling memiliki peran dan pengaruh seiring dengan dinamika perkembangan zaman dan kehidupan global saat ini.

Mengenai fenomena akan multikulturalisme dan globalisasi pada Kebudayaan Indonesia, telah kita ketahui mengundang banyak pro dan kontra. Hal ini adalah hal yang wajar saja, tetapi perlu kita telaah lebih lanjut dan perhatikan lebih dalam, nilai dan makna dari fenomena tersebut, sehingga kita dapat mencapai kesepakatan bersama yang dapat lebih membawa keberuntungan untuk semua pihak.

Indonesia adalah negara yang sangat kaya akan budaya dan suku etnik, hal ini memberikan ciri khas tersendiri bagi Bangsa Indonesia dengan bangsa lain. Namun, bangsa kita memiliki prinsip berpijak yang dominan merupakan gaya hidup orang Timur, yang berarti berlawanan atau bertentangan dengan gaya hidup orang Barat. Salah satu ciri umum kehidupan Timur adalah nilai spiritualnya yang lebih tinggi, dalam aspek adat budaya, tata krama, dan religi. Salah satu ciri umum kehidupan Barat adalah nilai materialisnya yang lebih tinggi dalam aspek ekonomi, kenegaraan, gaya hidup dan sebagainya. Sehingga dapat kita lihat sedikitnya satu nilai yang kontras antara budaya barat dan timur, Indonesia merupakan bagian dari budaya Timur, oleh karena itu, sudah sangat lumrah apabila adaptasi akan percampuran budaya yang terjadi menyebabkan berbagai ketidak cocokan atau kesulitan dalam hubungan satu sama lain.

Tetapi di sinilah kita perlu belajar, untuk bisa membuka diri dan bertoleransi pada perkembangan zaman. Ini semua merupakan pembelajaran bagi semua orang yang bersangkutan, kita mungkin tidak cocok dengan budaya barat karena sangat menentang prinsip dan nilai budaya kita, tetapi kita harus bisa beradaptasi dengan perkembangan zaman ini. Bagaimana cara kita beradaptasi? Kenapa kita harus bertoleransi? Kita dapat memulai adaptasi kita dengan membuka diri kita akan nilai positif dari hal yang kita tentang, yang belum kita sadari waktu sebelumnya, sesudahnya kita dapat melihatnya, kemudian kita manfaatkan nilai positif itu dan kita aplikasikan dalam realita hidup kita, dengan demikian, akan dapat mengurangi rasa pertentangan bathin kita terhadap budaya baru tersebut. Misalnya, budaya kita menekankan prinsip berpakaian yang sopan dan tidak minim, khususnya bagi kaum perempuan, karena akan dapat mengundang hasrat atau memiliki nilai yang sangat tidak sopan, cobalah kita melihat kembali, hal itu memang kiranya memiliki efek negatif tersebut, tapi apa positifnya? Jika kita berpikir seperti itu, kita telah mengaktifkan kreativitas kita untuk “mencari”, ini menjadi nilai tambah bagi pribadi kita, menjadi “kreatif”. Apa yang positif? Kita lihat kenyataan sekarang, keadaannya sangat panas, akan sangat membantu kita untuk beraktivitas apabila kita menggunakan pakaian yang minim sehingga tidak terlalu gerah, itu satu, yang kedua, jika kita memakai pakaian minim, maka kita tentu akan memperlihatkan bagian tubuh kita lebih banyak, jika akan memperlihatkan lebih banyak, sebaiknya kita menjaga badan kita agar tidak mengusik kepercayaan diri kita, tidak mau kan kalau kita minim tetapi  bagian tubuh kita yang terbuka itu memiliki penyakit kulit, atau kelebihan lemak, atau sebagainya, hendaknya itu menjadi motivasi kita untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh. Ketiga, berpintar-pintarlah menyesuaikan pakaian kita dengan situasi, keadaan, atau cuaca, jangan kita pakai di tempat yang berbahaya saat malam hari, atau saat hari begitu dingin, maka kita akan memiliki sikap “waspada” dalam memilih apa yang kita inginkan dengan menyesuaikan pada keadaan. Dan seterusnya ada banyak lagi, cara-cara kreatif seperti itu akan dapat membuat kita menjadi seseorang yang fleksibel, karena dinamika perubahan zaman sangat rentan dan terkadang tuntutannya berubah-ubah, apabila kita kaku dan hanya membenarkan nilai yang sudah terlalu lama kadaluwarsa akibatnya kita bisa tidak mahir beradaptasi dengan perubahan, fleksibel bagaikan air namun tetap memegang prinsip pribadi yang positif. Kenapa kita harus bertoleransi? Hal ini sudah pasti harus dilakukan, sebagai manusia, kita hidup di dunia bersama dengan manusia yang lain, manusia yang lain pun Dianugerahi Oleh Yang Maha Kuasa dengan ciri khasnya masing-masing yang mungkin membedakan mereka dengan kita, dengan bertoleransi berarti kita menghargai Tuhan dan ciptaan-Nya, karena perbedaan itu merupakan Kehendak Tuhan yang mutlak dan kodrati. Kedua, dengan bertoleransi maka kita memberikan ruang bagi pengertian kita untuk dapat memahami perbedaan pada tingkatan yang lebih jauh, sehingga kita tidak terlalu cepat menilai dan meningkatkan ketebalan dari kesalah pahaman yang dapat kita buat, sebab kesalahpahaman merupakan sebuah titik awal dari kericuhan, kerusakan, pertentangan, perpecahan dan sebagainya, ini yang perlu kita cegah. Ketiga, dengan bertoleransi, maka kita bisa berintrospeksi diri juga, bagaimana maksudnya? Artinya, ketika kita bertoleransi, mencoba untuk memahami alasan orang lain lebih jauh serta latar belakangnya, kita dapat mengintrospeksi bahwa antara realita kita dan realita mereka berbeda, antara cara pertumbuhan kita dengan cara pertumbuhan mereka berbeda, antara lingkungan kita dengan lingkungan mereka berbeda! Dengan demikian, pastilah kualitas kita berbeda, cara kita berpikir berbeda, cara kita bertahan hidup berbeda, cara kita mengenal sesuatu hal berbeda, bukan berarti kita benar, mereka salah dan sebaliknya artinya, kita dan mereka memiliki kekurangan dan keunggulan yang berbeda-beda, ini harus dapat kita hargai dan pahami, sesudahnya demikian, apabila kita bersatu dengan mereka, bukan selalu berarti kita merusak jati diri, tetapi justru kita membuka pada kemungkinan baru untuk saling melengkapi dan bekerja sama untuk memajukan peradaban manusia menjadi lebih maju lagi. Itu yang harus kita dapat pahami, hal demikian juga menyimpan potensi yang sangat mendasarkan untuk “mendewasakan” kita semua masing-masing.

Namun disayangkan, bahwa pada zaman sekarang, kenyataannya tidak selalu seperti itu, meskipun proses yang demikian ada juga yang berhasil berjalan, tetapi merasa diri kita paling benar merupakan sikap yang masih ada dan dominan dalam bangsa kita, merasa diri kita paling benar, paling suci, dan paling baik dari bangsa lain disertai berbagai alasannya. Hal demikian menjadi sebuah penilaian yang tidak adil dan takabur, sebab kita justru membutakan diri kita sendiri dengan berprinsip seperti itu, terhadap kemajuan zaman dan kekayaan kehidupan. Ini yang disayangkan, hanya karena perbedaan, perpecahan menjadi-jadi, oleh sebab itu, kita seharusnya menggunakan lebih banyak waktu untuk melihat dan mengintrospeksi diri kita sendiri dibanding dengan mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain dan menjelekkan orang lain, parahnya, banyak dari masyarakat kita justru mengatasnamakan agama untuk menyerang perbedaan budaya, atau mengatasnamakan Tuhan untuk melakukan penyerangan itu. Ini merupakan fakta yang sangat konyol, sebab Tuhan sendiri tidak pernah secara langsung memberi tahu mereka untuk menjadi demikian, jika mereka melihat kembali pada inti dari ajaran agama mereka masing-masing semustinya mereka dapat menyadari, bahwa semua agama, mengajarkan manusia untuk bisa RUKUN satu sama lain, itu saja, perbedaan cara dalam mengamalkan ibadah masing-masing seharusnya menjadi hak masing-masing. Dan apabila mereka mengakui Pancasila sebagai ideologi bangsa, seharusnya mereka memahami, bahwa pada Pancasila tercantum nilai-nilai yang menjunjung tinggi perbedaan dan kerukunan secara esensial dan substansial. Yang tertera pada Pancasila yaitu :

1. KeTuhanan  Yang Maha Esa
2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
3. Persatuan Indonesia
4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan, dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan
5. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia

Pada lima sila tersebut, bagi orang yang berpikir, seharusnya mereka dapat menyadari, itu semua merupakan fondasi dari menghargai perbedaan dan kerukunan, tetapi ironisnya, kita sendirilah yang menjauhi nilai esensial dari Pancasila itu sendiri, namun mengatakan bahwa kita menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai tersebut. Bagaimana tidak? Sila pertama, KeTuhanan Yang Maha Esa, sudah jelas berarti kita Menyembah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berarti kita seharusnya Menjalani Perintahnya untuk berbuat baik kepada sesama manusia, apabila dalam agama ada sebutan yang mengalienasi orang yang beragama berbeda, kita harus melihat sekali lagi, hal itu disampaikan pada masa zaman nabi, zaman di mana penyebaran agama Diperjuangkan dan terhadap para pemerang agama Islam pada zaman itu, kita harus menyadari itu, bukan berarti peperangan itu harus kita amalkan hingga zaman sekarang, karena perintah itu langsung diterima oleh nabi, tetapi banyak golongan kita merasa ingin menjadi nabi atau bahkan merasa dirinya adalah nabi, ini yang keliru, tidak ada klarifikasi pasti akan hal itu. Ini bukan hal retoris, melainkan hal reflektif, pada intinya, kita harus bisa menimbang, apa tindakan yang akan kita lakukan itu akan lebih berkontribusi pada kedamaian dunia atau kerusakan dunia? Juga jika kita menggencarkan masalah khiamat, kita telah lupa pada diri kita sendiri, bahwa masalah itu ada Di Tangan Yang Maha Kuasa, apabila kita merasa harus membela atau memaksakan kehendak kita terhadap agama orang lain yang berbeda, hal ini dapat menjadi sebuah gangguan pada kedamaian universal. Ini yang menjadi masalah, tidak semua orang sependapat, tetapi masalahnya, beberapa pendapat yang berbeda justru merusak semua orang, maka sekali lagi kita harus menimbang dengan tanggung jawab, apakah kita lebih berkontribusi pada kerusakan dunia, atau kedamaian dunia? Sila kedua hingga sila kelima, apa yang masih kurang jelas mengenai “perbedaan dan kerukunan”? Sudah jelas, kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab berarti menghargai perbedaan dan kerukunan melalui hak masing-masing serta menghormati orang lain. Persatuan Indonesia, sudah jelas tidak boleh ada perpecahan. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan setidaknya berarti jangan bermain hakim sendiri, tetapi harus dengan perwakilan yang berwajib dan nilai kebijaksanaan, artinya setimpal antara yang menjadi perkara dan menjadi solusi. Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia, sudah tentu menghargai hak sosial yang memiliki nilainya masing-masing. Tidak ada sila yang mencantumkan bahwa sebuah agama adalah yang paling benar di antara yang lain, jika kita melihat lebih dalam lagi, kita menyadari bahwa, sebuah agama adalah yang terbaik bagi seseorang saja, namun bagi orang lain belum tentu sama, hal demikian adalah lebih adil dan lebih bijaksana dalam menghargai keberagaman dan perbedaan yang ada. Tetapi yang lucu adalah kita berkata, bahwa Pancasila adalah ideologi dasar dari negara kita dan bangsa kita. Ini yang perlu kita perbaiki, perhatikan, dan kita rubah menjadi lebih baik dalam keseharian kita.

Apa hubungannya pembahasan Pancasila mengenai fenomena multikulturalisme dan globalisasi? Hubungannya sudah tentu esensial, bahwa nilai-nilai pada pancasila merupakan kunci-kunci adaptasi dalam menanggapi dan mengkritik fenomena multikulturalisme dan globalisasi yang terjadi pada Kebudayaan Indonesia itu sendiri. Kita tidak bisa mencegah globalisasi atau multikulturalisme yang sebagian kelompok tertentu tidak inginkan, karena sudah tentu proses itu berjalan dengan sendirinya seiring dengan kemajuan zaman yang kita hidupkan.

Bagi sebagian orang mungkin ini dianggap retoris, tetapi tidak, ini merupakan refleksi, jika kita melihat kembali, memperhatikan kembali, membuka kembali akan kenyataan yang kita lupakan, maka kita dapat sedikit lebih dekat pada kenyataan yang sesungguh-sungguhnya bahwa kesalahan bukanlah terletak pada orang lain, tetapi pada diri kita sendiri yang mencemarkannya kepada orang yang lain.

Friday, February 8, 2013


I miss the kind-hearted me, the loving me, the sincere me, the boy I ever be. Well,that has went by.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A drawing I drew

A lonely boy in the world.

There are certain times, when all I want and all I need, is just somewhere where I can really be on my own. I mean just me, my own space and time, with nobody else knows where. Just to put everything right again. That's that moment when and where, I don't want to be searched, I don't want to be asked about my whereabouts. Cause I feel when someone gets to know where I am then, I feel like that space I was in, was no longer mine, I feel the secret of that became repressed and that put me out of what I feel genuine about being alone. It's just something about me, I am a loner. I just feel like I find a cure to my loneliness, in my loneliness. I know it sounds strange, perhaps stupid even but, well, I think that's just the way it goes. I, will be different, when I finally succeed to reach my balance, I may blend again among people and society. But when I haven't got that, I just, really just, want to be on my own, be sad and wonder, being one kind of a lonely boy in the world.

Whatever happens.

Monday, January 14, 2013

"Beautiful girls refresh my mind, beautiful personalities refresh my soul."

You know that quote
I got it when I was in the rest of my sick year ago
I was hospitalized, and the nurses were my inspirations about it
Some nurses were so pretty that I felt entertained, so like my mind was refreshed
And then there was this doctor woman, who was quite an elderly, but I really liked the reflection of her personality, that refreshed my soul
So that how it came:)
Ah that's a good story... Later you should also include the story as a description!
Eh love your suggestion

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Building Our Own Heaven

Confidence can be trapped, buried and imprisoned, inside our body, heart or somewhere there. That, to unlock that, some ways are available. To me, confidence can be unlocked when we can face our fear, have a good way of clothing, calm, loving myself, letting go what haunts me, and there are actually many other ways that, I myself may haven't discovered or known. But I believe, confidence has to be won by us, to live our life better and sharper cause, without that, it could feels like, flying thin plastic, carried away easily to, somewhere or nowhere. I think confidence is a power, that function as a support to what we believe in, to what we want to do, or dedicated to. But over confidence is a, seed of cockiness, an explosive behaviour that can be very risky like, when you get too over confidence that you can conquer something dangerous, say, shark? Then you swim to that shark, without fear, but over confidence, you hug that shark, and then somehow gave the wrong signal to that shark then, that shark turns to be aggressive and attacks you? Something like that, can be anything. It's like a boiling water you know, unstable, and out of control, that I think, confidence is chemical in a form of feeling that is an element, or attribute that we have in ourselves as a human being. You see, we have some powers, attributes within us that we can use for good, or, if we aren't careful, it might endangers, and troubles us. So we have the power that actually can help us, but actually also can, destroy us? This we need to pay attention to, to care about and not to really ignore, because ourselves are own responsibility,­ one of the first and the foremost in our life. And that self, is who we really need to take care of first, to love first, before we give feelings to another, it's better that way. Cause you know, to share happiness, we must be happy first too. That's one of the condition where we can reach the state of independence, independence of our beings to ourselves. And when we feel independence, that's when I believe a quality of true happiness exists, or if not too much, a feeling when we feel like in Heaven. Why I said Heaven? Just like bad feelings such as anger, guilts, hatred, disappointments­, boredom and so on, when we feel those negative feelings, don't it feels like hell? That we might say call that "place" once or twice, so on and on perhaps? That's just, isn't that something? Maybe Heaven is not just a place of what we heard from religions, that exists somewhere out there after the universe, after our life, but Heaven, is also a state of feeling, which sometimes we may can feel while we are in this world, a feeling of independence, cleanliness of the soul, purity of the heart and mind, harmony of our beings with another, happiness? Let us then spread positivity more than negativity, positive feelings, minds, thinking, acts, and let us be all building our own Heaven. Do you not want it?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gal and Gil

One day there was a guy named Gal, he was just a 17 years old kid. He had nothing much to offer the world, he himself felt worthless. He said he was nothing and he had a girlfriend. She was such a pretty girl, she was 16 years old named Gil. They thought they were meant to be, because their names were Gal and Gil. However Gil was more mature than Gal. Gil didn’t believe everything Gal said about himself. Gil believed Gal was much more than described by her boyfriend. And she believed that Gal has such a good fortune, because he had Gil to be his girlfriend. That statement, however made him smiled instead. Gil was the girl who was always there for him, and took care of him, supported him, everything he needed, Gil was full of surprises. But Gal was more realistic, he was in fact was nothing. Gil was fantasy, and reality surprises more than fantasy. So Gal knocked himself out, he hung himself on a tree where they used to make love. Gil cried looked at his boyfriend, she decided to hang herself too on the other hand of the tree. Gal was a reality, Gil was a fantasy. It was so sad to know, Gal didn’t know Gil had true love for him, which was a reality. And Gil didn’t know, Gal was bringing her deep down too reality, sad, because of she was too much fantasy. Now people look at the tree and know the suicide story, they tend to think it could be a touching life, when reality and fantasy meet, they will make love stories.

Hana Farhana Abdat, Photographed by Fary Hendrayana

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Loneliness & Happiness

When loneliness is your friend, and you look for other friends, but then loneliness, seems to be like your best kind of friend. That it sticks with you, like a shadow, doesn't want to go and leave, and only happiness that may and will replace that friend. So happiness and loneliness are like two different kind of friends. Loneliness is a friend, who might and can come anytime, perhaps always be there with and for you, especially when happiness is leaving. Happiness is a friend of quality, it doesn't always come, cause it takes a good searching, wills, acts, even blessings to meet this friend. Which frankly, happiness is a rare kind of friend, harder to find than loneliness. So happiness and loneliness, both are your friends, who don't friend with each other cause, of course, when one enters, one leaves. It might be better to befriend with balance instead, or putting the principle of balance in these friendships. That when you have a happiness friend, you don't get too happy, because your loneliness friend can help you to become more aware of life and reduce your over exaggeration to what you feel a happiness. It can be anything, but we ourselves, we make our friends, and our friends are sometimes our own reflections, if you take a clearer look of your friends, perhaps you'd see how identical they're to you, in personality, hobbies, interests, and the like. That they seem sometimes are, the definitions of what and who you are is. Like friends are parts of our life, like life, like friends are the mirror of our life, that they're defined by our own being, ourselves, our reality, or that they, sometimes defining who we are actually. Life can be mysterious in time, and is actually mysterious, so you can't just always lay back and demand with logic, nor rely on it, for logic doesn't really get there. It can be better to have one best friend than a thousand friends. But sometimes, it's better to lose a friend, for a thousand friends. In case that friend, is sorry to say, not good enough for you, or, more negative than positive for your life. It's a truth in life, sometimes happens, frequently happens. You must know who you friend with, and realize that your friends, will influence your life abundantly invincible, and visible. So it's wise sometimes, to pick your friends. To choose friends, for a good reason and purpose, for loving yourself. It's lovely to be friendly, but if you stick with the wrong friends, you would go wrong, it's certain. Even only just go wrong in a matter of way of thinking, it's a step closer to danger. Unless you friend with anyone, but you know your limit, and your principles of value, and keep it steady, and loyal to it, to yourself. Which sometimes is difficult to mind just about the limit, for we don't want to care cause, that's our friend, our friend we love, our lovely friends that made us laugh. Life is lovely, it offers you not just the positive chances, but also the stuck moments where you find it's difficult to be loyal to yourself, for the shake of your friends who you love, it's dangerously adorable, sweet and can be touching. And then that's when, your life begins in a different dimension, things start to change, and some start to falling apart, time and journey you have to go through because of your own previous decisions. Or time and journey that you have to go through because it's your destiny, or fate. There's difference between, what you've to go through because of your decision, and what you've to go through because of it's your destiny or fate. And frankly there are like two kind of people at least, one who believe in decision, two who believe in fate. Some people who believe in decisions tend to disbelieving and deny the existences or the truth of destiny or fate. But some people who believe in destiny, tend to not negating the contribution of their decisions to their fate. It (fate) might indeed radically implemented by some decisions we have made...

For loneliness brings me to a state of understanding and to become strong, that when I think of that, I feel happy.

 It's killing me sometimes, but I'm not dead then, I guess it's true, "what doesn't kill me only make me stronger."

Too much sugar can make something becomes too sweet, like, too much kindness can make someone becomes naivê.


Just being kind and good iss not enough, we have to be smart too. Kindness will charm the heart, but the brain will appreciate smartness more, or bad brains may take advantage of someone's kindness. So if we smart too, we can sense the signal of someone's bad will, to take advantage of what they see as kindness among us. And the world is cruel when you're stupid and numb, better be feared than loved, for to be feared can help you respect yourself better, but not to become too prideful. On the other side, beloved can give different advantage, but beloved is weaker than feared, that it can fade sooner, especially when hate conquers, just like a paper is burnt, love is going away, is fading away. The point is, it's the best to gain respect to our ownselves, we to respect ourselves, and to gain respect from others. So don't think if you or someone is a kind person, is enough, no, kind but stupid is dangerous to that person himself. For example, if he's kind but stupid, he would risk a lot because his heart doesn't feel good to say no, to what he should say no, that action is more useless than useful. Kind but smart is admirable, a quality that's closer to happiness, and it's an important priority for a human being to become. To not become ignorant to what he has to pay attention to, to care and to be smart at the same time.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I've been in distances from others for quite some time. I myself put myself in the corner, off and away. I have this fight within my heart since the day it was broke, cold and hard. Psychologically I was hurt and angry. I tried to fix mine and heal my heart on my own, but I guess I haven't made it. I thought I can do it alone but, the alienation I committed myself into, just burn and breaking it even more. I felt I didn't deserve a company or happiness from others, I've been eaten by my own guilts, I've been killing myself. Then I came to conclusion that I can't stay this way, what will I become? Torturing myself along? I need to build back my life. I don't want to keep ceasing and fading, I can only really admit it just now, I've been wasting my time and chances. I left it all in 2012, just very now I realized, I can't always live alone, enough for me to beat myself up. Happy New Year 2013.

Added at 4 January 2013
I don't know why I feel like that post is not honest enough, if I was to be more honest, I'd sound way so weak, I was already sounded weak and whining. But, well, I think it came out from what I really felt deep inside. And I guess just every human being has their weakness. That one up there sound common didn't it? A feeling of numbness, that almost everyone could feel. I think it's okay to admit our weakness sometimes, it's okay to whine, to be weak, it's okay. I think that's one chance, one point where we can realize our human being, and to not becoming too prideful to admit that, we do mistakes, and sometimes we are just sucks. Time when we need to learn again how to love ourselves again, or to make us love ourselves again, in new ways, different ways. Like us and ourselves are two different persons that each of their respect and love are to be gained.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ec Vi Ra Pr

Echa Vinesya Rara Pradhipta

Every time I remember you, a Dear Friend I know
Could I just be dreaming?
Hope I’m not wrong
All the things you do
Very interesting someone you are
In the very heart of the ones who love
Nothing can worry when, your smile comes
Entertain, endlessly
Surround love and joy
You’re naturally fun
And mature
Romantic, relieving
Any other day
Personally beautiful
Resisting the bad
And happy, and lovely
Don’t ever lose yourself, don’t ever change to worse
Harmony you bring
In time of someone's misery
People will remember you
Treat yourself right, treat your life better
And always, be a great friend as you are already, Happy Birthday Ech, may Allah Forever Blesses you. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012


If you're not loving yourself, rare will others love you too.

The less you do things, the less you show and prove not just to others, but to yourself too.

There goes the moment when your existence cease and fade.

But being alone my Friend, means something more to me, that even if I feel close to loneliness, I can feel reality just better.

Although it can sickening me too, I can feel peaceful on my own, for I fight and wrestle myself, to become stronger and not depending.

Been moving on, but somehow always go back, to somewhere I've been trying to leave.

I think maybe my battle just not over yet, should I fight stronger? Should I wrestle more?

Until I can win, I can win...

What have I been doing, where am I, what have I brought myself into?

 Whatever all those are and were, I'd take it for my experiences.

To go through, to go through...

To understand and realize, though I place myself on the edge,

I can actually feel really alive.

Close to scared and feeling death, I'm better when I survive.

No matter how hard is this battle for me to face, maybe I deserve this for the wrongs I've done, I'd put myself just fine, and Stay Alive.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Don't try to be what aren't you, be what you are truly, then be extraordinary. It's better to be hated by others because you're being true to yourself than loved, because you're trying to be somewhat you're not to please them and appreciate you, you may not liking yourself as much as they do to you. It's the phenomenon of the life's reality, that, some people just don't get along with us, we may can try or be with anybody we would like to be with, but to be match and gotten along, it's not really something I believe in our hands. Being your truest self can be difficult and troubling sometimes, for others may not agree or even hate for you, cause your truest being just confronts their personality, way of thinking, perceptions, likeness, taste, other things or private reasons. So, to match yourself with other people's standards which different with your pure personality would be costly, cost your time, power, energy, and most perhaps, your very freedom. But, this doesn't call for you to be anti social or close to apathy, sometimes, it's necessary and needed to match to other people's standard for your own goodness, but not for your most or whole life, just sometimes. So you can be able to get along with specific situations you need to be able to be. This also calls for you to be aware and reminded, to not be very selfish or put your ego above all, you are in need as a human being to be in the best balance between being yourself the truest and to be with some people that have different standards which you need to adapt for and in positive purposes. If you can be so, then you can still have your very own independence, nature, personality, rights and freedom to live your life the way you ever wish and most important to be true to who you are, but not to cross, the keys of morality, other's rights and freedom too unless, it's demanded by good reasons, and positive purposes. Like, to stop what someone is doing wrong, to continue the happiness of more people around. And don't be dogmatic, you have to have reasons for any of your actions, and that reasons must not be based by fears, confusions, blinded faith, or the wrong reasons. How to justify a reason is wrong? It's wrong at least when, someone's reason attacks or even take other's freedom and rights for a personal reasons, or private faith that only belong to one specific individual or community. Like, Nazi to kill all the jewish people. It is necessary to be open, with anything, but must always aware with their own being, and not fearful or suspicious to anything. So, if you have principles for your life, it's good, but I think, principles are not something to live for, but something to live with. There's difference, if you've to live for your own principles, there may be time when your principles are expired if to be applied to the era you're living cause, things change, so it's not impossible that one day, you may find reality where you need to change your principles, so you can adapt with it's time, but still not losing yourself. It's a call to be flexible and to be tight in the right time, not all the time, but in the right time. It's the same as, you'd to wear a rubber shoes, it's easier and comfier if to compare with leather shoes, it's not the same, but you're not to wear rubber shoes to special occasions, it's the time to wear leather shoes, and you'd feel perhaps the uncomfortable effect of the shoe's material and shape, but it's to respect the people who invited you to that special occasions, and to wear rubber shoes at normal daily times, it's who you are completely being yourself, but you can't be completely like that to special occasions, you need to adapt for respect, and appreciation, but still, not losing yourself. And if you'd wear leather shoes of all time, then it's you being so uptight, because however, leather shoes surely hurt more than rubber shoes, it's the reality of leather shoes, not as flexible as rubber shoes. And shoes here can be see as "perceptions" or "ideology" of others that you need to fit in for your own goodness, sometimes. You can see this in any way you like.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

To Miss

When you miss someone...
Must you expect them to miss you back?
It's sweet to just miss someone, just to feel missing the other person, it shouldn't be taken as a pain, but as a sweet memory to remember.
At least you ever have had the chance to felt and experienced, those pleasure moments and time, it doesn't have to last forever.
Ever happened is already a bless. :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


You must be able to enjoy yourself, no matter what happens, no matter what other says, or thinks.
You don't always need that someone you think you need the most, one fact, you can be more independent and stronger without them.
For someone who you think you need the most, for their quality, attributes or affections, anything specific you see from them, or love about them, can make you actually repressed from your own very value and independence.
You may need someone, that's obvious, but you can't always expect or rely on them, for your being is yours, and to give it to someone else is dividing yourself.
Cause usually, that someone or people you love the most, may or will leave you, and you'd have to be on your own, and when they go, so do your parts you pledged on them, therefore keep your independence with you.
It has been historically said, that, the others or someone we love, complete us, it's true, what is wrong is when, we love the wrong persons.
Cause loving the wrong will eventually makes us wrong too, and perhaps was already wrong from the beginning. But everything has it's lessons.
So you can frown for the bad things that happened to you, or you can strengthen and smile yourself, to make it become something better.
Everything happens for a reason, it's true again, but we should not make everything happens, with or for the wrong reasons.