Wednesday, December 19, 2012


You must be able to enjoy yourself, no matter what happens, no matter what other says, or thinks.
You don't always need that someone you think you need the most, one fact, you can be more independent and stronger without them.
For someone who you think you need the most, for their quality, attributes or affections, anything specific you see from them, or love about them, can make you actually repressed from your own very value and independence.
You may need someone, that's obvious, but you can't always expect or rely on them, for your being is yours, and to give it to someone else is dividing yourself.
Cause usually, that someone or people you love the most, may or will leave you, and you'd have to be on your own, and when they go, so do your parts you pledged on them, therefore keep your independence with you.
It has been historically said, that, the others or someone we love, complete us, it's true, what is wrong is when, we love the wrong persons.
Cause loving the wrong will eventually makes us wrong too, and perhaps was already wrong from the beginning. But everything has it's lessons.
So you can frown for the bad things that happened to you, or you can strengthen and smile yourself, to make it become something better.
Everything happens for a reason, it's true again, but we should not make everything happens, with or for the wrong reasons.

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