Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Loneliness & Happiness

When loneliness is your friend, and you look for other friends, but then loneliness, seems to be like your best kind of friend. That it sticks with you, like a shadow, doesn't want to go and leave, and only happiness that may and will replace that friend. So happiness and loneliness are like two different kind of friends. Loneliness is a friend, who might and can come anytime, perhaps always be there with and for you, especially when happiness is leaving. Happiness is a friend of quality, it doesn't always come, cause it takes a good searching, wills, acts, even blessings to meet this friend. Which frankly, happiness is a rare kind of friend, harder to find than loneliness. So happiness and loneliness, both are your friends, who don't friend with each other cause, of course, when one enters, one leaves. It might be better to befriend with balance instead, or putting the principle of balance in these friendships. That when you have a happiness friend, you don't get too happy, because your loneliness friend can help you to become more aware of life and reduce your over exaggeration to what you feel a happiness. It can be anything, but we ourselves, we make our friends, and our friends are sometimes our own reflections, if you take a clearer look of your friends, perhaps you'd see how identical they're to you, in personality, hobbies, interests, and the like. That they seem sometimes are, the definitions of what and who you are is. Like friends are parts of our life, like life, like friends are the mirror of our life, that they're defined by our own being, ourselves, our reality, or that they, sometimes defining who we are actually. Life can be mysterious in time, and is actually mysterious, so you can't just always lay back and demand with logic, nor rely on it, for logic doesn't really get there. It can be better to have one best friend than a thousand friends. But sometimes, it's better to lose a friend, for a thousand friends. In case that friend, is sorry to say, not good enough for you, or, more negative than positive for your life. It's a truth in life, sometimes happens, frequently happens. You must know who you friend with, and realize that your friends, will influence your life abundantly invincible, and visible. So it's wise sometimes, to pick your friends. To choose friends, for a good reason and purpose, for loving yourself. It's lovely to be friendly, but if you stick with the wrong friends, you would go wrong, it's certain. Even only just go wrong in a matter of way of thinking, it's a step closer to danger. Unless you friend with anyone, but you know your limit, and your principles of value, and keep it steady, and loyal to it, to yourself. Which sometimes is difficult to mind just about the limit, for we don't want to care cause, that's our friend, our friend we love, our lovely friends that made us laugh. Life is lovely, it offers you not just the positive chances, but also the stuck moments where you find it's difficult to be loyal to yourself, for the shake of your friends who you love, it's dangerously adorable, sweet and can be touching. And then that's when, your life begins in a different dimension, things start to change, and some start to falling apart, time and journey you have to go through because of your own previous decisions. Or time and journey that you have to go through because it's your destiny, or fate. There's difference between, what you've to go through because of your decision, and what you've to go through because of it's your destiny or fate. And frankly there are like two kind of people at least, one who believe in decision, two who believe in fate. Some people who believe in decisions tend to disbelieving and deny the existences or the truth of destiny or fate. But some people who believe in destiny, tend to not negating the contribution of their decisions to their fate. It (fate) might indeed radically implemented by some decisions we have made...

For loneliness brings me to a state of understanding and to become strong, that when I think of that, I feel happy.

 It's killing me sometimes, but I'm not dead then, I guess it's true, "what doesn't kill me only make me stronger."

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